
Drostanolone Propionate 150 mg / vial

Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water / Fat Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains:
Quantity: 2ml x 10 Vials
Dosage Form: 150 mg / vial
Effective Dose: 300 to 500 mg per week
Use For: Cycle Period

What is Masteron

Masteron, also known by its chemical name drostanolone, is an anabolic steroid that originated in the early 1970s. It is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a naturally occurring androgenic hormone. Masteron is known for its strong androgenic properties and is commonly used in the world of bodybuilding and athletic performance.


Muscle Hardening and Definition

Masteron is often credited with promoting a hard and defined appearance of muscles. Users may believe that it enhances muscle density and contributes to a more sculpted physique, making it particularly appealing during cutting phases of bodybuilding.


Estrogen Control

Masteron does not aromatize into estrogen, and some users appreciate its ability to help control estrogen-related side effects. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to issues like water retention and gynecomastia associated with increased estrogen levels.


Improved Strength

Like other androgenic steroids, Masteron may contribute to increased strength. Users may experience improved performance during weightlifting and other strength-focused activities.


Stacking Synergy

Masteron is often used in combination with other steroids, and some users believe it enhances the overall effects when stacked with compounds that have a higher anabolic component. This stacking strategy is thought to provide a synergistic approach to achieving desired outcomes.


Low Water Retention

Unlike some other steroids, Masteron is believed to cause minimal water retention. This can contribute to a leaner and more vascular appearance, which is often desirable for individuals aiming to achieve a specific aesthetic for competitions.



300 to 500 mg per week.


Side effects

  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Liver Strain
  • Prostate Enlargement
  • Virilization in Females