
Methenolone Acetate – 25 mg

Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water / Fat Loss :
Keep Gains:
Quantity: 100 Tablets
Dosage Form: 25 mg / Tab
Effective Dose: 25 - 50 mg daily
Use For: Gains

History of Primobolan

Primobolan, developed by Schering in the 1960s, has garnered attention for its positive attributes in the medical field and sports. Initially designed to address muscle-wasting conditions and osteoporosis, Primobolan’s mild androgenic effects make it suitable for promoting weight gain and preserving lean body mass. Its availability in both oral and injectable forms offers flexibility, and its controlled release injectable version, Methenolone Enanthate, is particularly favored for less frequent administration. Athletes and bodybuilders appreciate Primobolan for its potential to enhance muscle growth and performance, with its relatively mild nature contributing to its popularity. When used responsibly under medical supervision, Primobolan showcases positive attributes, offering potential benefits for individuals with specific medical needs and contributing positively to athletic pursuits.


What is Primobolan

Primobolan, also known as methenolone, is an anabolic steroid that is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It has earned recognition for its positive impact both in medical applications and the realm of sports. Known for its relatively mild androgenic effects, Primobolan has become favored among athletes and bodybuilders seeking enhanced muscle growth and performance. When used responsibly under medical guidance, Primobolan stands out for its potential benefits, contributing positively to both medical treatments and athletic pursuits.


Lean Muscle Mass Preservation

Primobolan is known for its ability to promote lean muscle mass without significant water retention. During cutting phases, bodybuilders aim to reduce body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. Primobolan is often valued for its role in helping athletes achieve a harder and more defined physique.


Low Androgenic Side Effects

Primobolan is considered to have mild androgenic properties, which means it is less likely to cause androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and aggression compared to some other anabolic steroids. This characteristic can be appealing for individuals who are sensitive to androgenic effects.


Enhanced Nitrogen Retention

Like other anabolic steroids, Primobolan can enhance nitrogen retention in muscles. Positive nitrogen balance is associated with an anabolic state, promoting muscle growth and recovery. This can be beneficial for individuals looking to optimize their muscle-building potential.


Preservation of Strength and Performance

While Primobolan is not typically associated with dramatic increases in strength, it is often used in a way that helps athletes preserve strength and performance during calorie-restricted phases. This can be important for maintaining training intensity and minimizing muscle loss during cutting cycles.


Limited Aromatization

Primobolan has a low tendency to convert into estrogen, minimizing the risk of estrogen-related side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia. This can be advantageous during cutting cycles when athletes are aiming to reduce body fat and avoid excess water retention.


How to take Primobolan

When starting with Primobolan, the general recommended daily dose is 25 mg. While advanced users can take up to 50 mg daily.


Side effects of Primobolan

The side effects of Primobolan are similar to those associated with anabolic steroids, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Raised body temperature

Individuals with previous heart problems or who already have high blood pressure shouldn’t consider taking Primobolan.